
Tuesday 6 September 2011

Home again

And back into the heat and humidity of a Japanese summer. It was another shock to the system, along with the realisation that I was no longer fit for anything. It might have been heat or jet lag or humidity or exhaustion or...but I could not really run for any more than 3 miles. One flat lap of the island we call home and I was done. I also began to suffer stomach problems similar to the problems I faced in Winter Park prior to Leadville.

I cannot explain how unusual this is. I normally have the ability to eat or drink what I like, when I like, as long as it is not just prior to a run.

Then I got sick - flu like sick, achy hot cold sweats, tickley cough.

So it is that 7 weeks after Leadville and 9 weeks before I race in the mountains again I still struggle to force my way round a 5 mile flat circuit.

I did battle round an 11 mile jog/hike, most of which was on tarmac but some was lost on the mountain in the aftermath of Typhoon Talas. In retrospect not one of my cleverer moves, but it did take 3 hours and had me walking sections of the flat path home.

Lost in the Mountains after typhoon Talas

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